
More details of Colney Heath taser incident

Further details of Colney Heath taser incident is one way to gain our knowledge in health. Here you will get something different. Check it out below a helpful information regarding to prevent harm to the public, police officers, or criminals.

Further details have emerged about a disturbance in which a man was shot by police with an electric taser.

A man in his thirties was treated in hospital after he was arrested, in Colney Heath High Street, at about 1.30pm on Tuesday afternoon. Police were called by a member of the public who believed the arrested man was intent on stabbing another man in the village.

Although no knife was found at the scene, Hertfordshire Constabulary confirmed this afternoon that the man attempted to attack police officers and then smashed the window of a patrol car. A spokeswoman explained that, because of his violent behaviour, the man was doused in pepper spray but continued to resist arrest.

Specially trained officers were them called to subdue him with an electric taser, capable of delivering a shock of up to 50,000 volts. After he was released from hospital he was cautioned for a public order offence and set free. A Hertfordshire Constabulary spokesman explained that tasers were issued only to specially trained or designated firearms officers and were used only to prevent harm to the public, police officers, or criminals.


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